Most heavy construction contractors have a range of equipment from bulldozers to trucks to cranes. What most construction sites have in common is that they are full of dirt so all working vehicles, whether they are tracked or wheeled, pick up a lot of solids.
Effective cleaning is important since too many solids can foul the equipment and shut down operations in one area. Work stoppage in one area can impact the schedule of another part of the construction project.

Heavy equipment can usually be cleaned by two methods. High volume, low pressure demucking systems (Water Cannons) will quickly “coarse wash” the equipment and effectively remove heavy accumulations of dirt, sand, and mud – saving you time and water. Electric hot water pressure washer cleaning is used for grease and oil removal.
If you are building a new facility, our engineers will work with your architects to develop a comprehensive design for the wash facility, including a roofed wash pad, solids collection trench, equipment room, tank containment area, and total equipment package. Some facilities need completely self-contained water recycling systems since there are no sewer connections and rainwater detection and water level controls to eliminate the wash pad overflows.
In other areas where there are sewer connections, the wash water can be processed through our sewer discharge systems to remove solids, oil and grease and then discharged to the sewer.
If needed, we can provide a WWMI TWP System which is a transportable wash bay equipment system containing all washing and recycling equipment needed to completely collect, store, treat, and redeliver the water for all cleaning requirements in a single room. These systems, which are usually housed in insulated, painted, and vented containers save on building costs, provide protection from the weather and allow you to move the equipment to a di fferent facility if the need arises.
The following list of equipment below can also be used for the construction industry where heavy equipment and cranes need to be cleaned often.